Saturday, October 06, 2012


Cubism was the subject of the latest lesson of Pamela Allen's class. And although the Cubism paintings look so simple, making a Cubism composition is very hard to do. At least it is for me :-).
The first picture shows my starting position. Well starting position is the proper word, because a lot had to be done to it to make it Cubism style.
 First of all, it was too empty. More repitition was needed and the composition was too flat. I started with cutting the top into pieces. Oh boy, that is scary. The first cut was through the wine glass from top right to bottom left. I moved one part a bit higher than the other one and it looked already much better. Sorry, but I forgot to take a picture of that. The second cut was from top left to halfway bottom right. I used some of the cut of fabric and added some more green. Also I added more wine glasses and more grapes. And I changed some of the colors of the word wine. After these changes the composition looked much better:
 But it needed some more definition for which I added a piece of black fabric at the left. This really showed of the glasses much better. With this composition I am happy. I have started quilting it and will show the results later on.


Ineke said...

Ziet er erg ingewikkeld uit, maar is heel mooi geworden.

Anonymous said...

Ik vind cubisme helemaal niet eenvoudig lijken, mooi gedaan, Wil!